
oyagala online?

Kreative Advertising provides digital marketing solutions that help you grow your business online through proven strategies.


who we are.

Kreative Advertising is a local Digital Marketing Agency in Kampala, Uganda.

Our Services are focused on Businesses, NGO’s (Non-Profit Organisations), Churches, Community Based Organisations  & other entities with a mission to boost their presence online to increase sales, attract donors and increase their credibility.

what we do.

Our Services

1. Website Creation & Design
2. Social Media Management
3. E-mail Marketing
4. Paid & Organic Advertising

5. Grant/Proposal Writing
6. Influencer Marketing
7. Videography
8. Photography

Screenshot 2021-12-13 at 20.40.54
Triple Tee Adventures
Akougook Initiative

they love us.

Our Clients

ready to start?

Talk to one of our Digital Marketing Experts & learn how we can help your NGO.


Facebook Advertising is a topic a number of Ugandans are a bit familiar with.

However the open ended question of “does it work?” is still unanswered by many.

In this FAQ post, The team from Kreative Advertising are going to discuss the most popular questions asked  about Facebook Advertising and how you can make it work for your organisation

This refers to buying media on Facebook in a strategic way to attract people to your cause.

Any business/ organisation of any size, that wants to tap into the 2.3 million Facebook users in Uganda and more globally.

Facebook is one  of the top customer acquisition platforms in the world.

Emerging Markets a research website says it is also the most visited social media site in Uganda.

This means that 60% of your Potential donors use Facebook.

It also means that you have a central area where you can reach 2.3 million people and more globally.

The biggest difference between Facebook and any other form of  traditional advertising   like radio, newspapers is that Facebook has a  clear  ROI. (Return on Investment)


What does that mean


Take an example of “akalango” on radio.

How will you know how many people heard your advert?

Last time I checked radio stations don’t have accurate records of how many people listen.

Its all an estimate.


Whereas on Facebook, you as an advertiser gets access to a dashboard where you can monitor every kikumi , you can know how many people it has reached, and how people are reacting to your message.

For a small NGO having a daily budget of between $3-$5 can make a big change in getting customers on Facebook.

However apart from budget, there are a lot of other factors that determine the performance of your advertising   and will require some knowledge.

1.Facebook offers a free  detailed course on   Advertising called Facebook Blueprint.

However, many people find this course difficult to navigate so we have two other options

2.Youtube -Youtube is a free resource where you can learn close to anything.

There are a variety of videos on Facebook Advertising and if you are diligent enough you can be able to learn a lot from here